• My Supplement Inspector Blog

    A blog for the supplement consumer of our modern world

    When you are dealing with your skin, there are countless tips and suggestions. This can leave you...
    There are a number of reasons you might be overweight. Stress and poor eating habits, top the...
    1. Any natural supplements of a certain kind are the same, regardless of the manufacturer ...
  • About

    broken image

    Meet the writer - John Parker

    He loves food, and supplements. He wants you to know what you eat and what you take before making the same mistake as he did.

    I love to eat! I love to write! Sometimes I eat while I write... but sometimes I can't always eat properly. That's when supplements come to give me a hand. But, after using them wrong for years, my health went from normal to rusty. I am now writing about all the dangers that today's vitamin market can pose to us, and how we can dodge the harmful supplements.