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Top 10 Supplement Myths

1. Any natural supplements of a certain kind are the same, regardless of the manufacturer

Incorrect. The same type of supplements will never be the same from two different manufacturers, even if the ingredients look the same. We say hair is the same, because there are vast differences between the ingredients used by food supplement manufacturers. Take for example the black currant. Known as an anti-inflammatory, black currant is found in the products of many manufacturers. But not all black currants are that good and effective. It matters what variety of black currant it is, where it grew, how it was harvested, how it was stored and how it was processed. Some plant varieties contain more bioactive and nutritive substances than others, and the processing chain also has a major impact on the preservation of these beneficial substances. Therefore, it is advisable to contact a known manufacturer of food supplements, whose products come from organic crops or with certified partners and who can demonstrate that they have a technological production line with the highest standards. To go back to our example, you have organic blackcurrant crops that are cared for without any chemicals, and your factory is GMP certified. Additionally, each manufacturer has their own recipes for complex supplements, based on unique recipes. In the case of established manufacturers, these recipes are made with the help of specialists in pharmacy and medicine, and their results are very good. It has organic blackcurrant crops that are cared for without any chemicals, and its factory is GMP certified. Additionally, each manufacturer has their own recipes for complex supplements, based on unique recipes. In the case of established manufacturers, these recipes are made with the help of specialists in pharmacy and medicine, and their results are very good. It has organic blackcurrant crops that are cared for without any chemicals, and its factory is GMP certified. In addition, each manufacturer has its own recipes for complex supplements, based on unique recipes. In the case of established manufacturers, these recipes are made with the help of specialists in pharmacy and medicine, and their results are very good.

2. Supplements can be replaced by a diversified diet

Not really. In theory, we can get all the nutrients the body needs from the food, but this is almost impossible. The diversity of food and its quality are essential for a complete diet, but unfortunately, few people can do it. Therefore, natural supplements are an effective way to prevent nutritional deficiencies and improve the already installed nutritional deficiencies.

3. Supplements are rainwater

If we are referring to things in nature, and they also come from nature, then yes, they are very similar to rain! However, if the tone is more serious, the answer is no. Let us explain. If you take one or two natural supplements, the indications will be used for a longer course of treatment, then yes, it will be rain. However, if you follow the manufacturer's instructions and use them to restore the expected malnutrition, then you will definitely achieve good results.

4. Supplements can cure anything

Supplements cannot be cured, but will bring additional nutrients to keep the body functioning properly. Many diseases are based on long-term nutritional imbalances. The body uses its own resources to compensate for this imbalance for a period of time, but at a certain moment, it can no longer cope with it, and then triggers the pain of a certain device or organ. Tonics help restore balance and give the body strength to fight again. In diseases caused by pathogens, it is recommended to use supplements as adjuvants and drug adjuvants to help the body restore its strength and energy to fight the disease.

5. Calcium is calcium, magnesium is magnesium, vitamin C is vitamin C.

Wrong. Calcium supplements are not identical, as are those of magnesium or vitamin C. Calcium can most often be found in the form of calcium carbonate, calcium citrate, calcium gluconate and missed calcium each with different absorption rates and, as such, efficiency. Calcium from organic sources is the most natural form and easily assimilated by the body. The same principle applies to magnesium. In the case of vitamin C, it can be synthetic or from natural, organic sources. Synthetic vitamin C is the easiest to obtain, but organic sources of vitamin C are clearly superior in terms of assimilation and efficiency for the body. So pay attention to what is written on the label of food supplements. Choose those that have natural ingredients.

6. The diversified diet can be replaced by supplements

Wrong. No matter how good it is, it is impossible to take food supplements and eat a full burger, french fries, coffee, alcohol and carbonated drinks. On the one hand we cannot destroy, on the other hand we try to restore balance. The principle we must follow is balance. In the case of nutritional imbalances, we need a balanced diet, exercise and resort to nutritional supplements.

7. You can take supplements for anything, it doesn't hurt if you take several at once

Wrong. As with any active substance that acts on the human body, there are certain interactions between certain types of natural supplements. There are supplements that can lower blood pressure and supplements that can raise blood pressure or suppress or in turn speed up intestinal transit, and so on. Usually, a certain plant has multiple effects on the body, so it can be included in a complex formula, in which other ingredients are "hidden." Therefore, if you want to take several types of supplements and show the supplement flyers, it is very important to talk to your doctor. If you think that the threshold of a family doctor is not enough to advise you to manage, please consult a doctor with plant treatment skills.

8. If it is natural it is absolutely safe

Yes and no. If they were absolutely harmless to the body, they probably would not have any effect on it. Each food supplement contains a leaflet describing the composition, effects on the body, possible interactions and contraindications. Read them carefully and follow the dosages and administration. Even if it is written on the leaflet, without contraindications, it relates directly to the duration and purpose of the treatment indicated in the leaflet. If you decide to take them "in the ear", in other cases and according to a different administration regimen, side effects are very likely. For example, someone who takes ginger tablets with a fist to prevent respiratory infections may experience a sudden drop in blood pressure, another effect, often ignored, ginger.

9. Does not interact with drugs

Wrong. It is important to ask your doctor if certain supplements can be taken, especially if you are taking medicine. Supplements have an effect on the function of the body, so in order to highlight its auxiliary effects, those supplements that help the body to recover and fight disease must be selected.

10. You can take them long term

Yes and no. Generally, manufacturers recommend using natural supplements for certain treatments, which last from three weeks to three months, and then require rest. Call again for balance and remember "too much harm". For example, excessive supplements (based on herbs or vitamins) can cause health problems. Eating green tea helps burn fat and has antioxidant principles, but if you rush into green tea supplements, it may damage the liver. Moderation and balance are the motto to remember when resorting to natural supplements. As long as high-quality stones are used, these substances can bring wonders to your body.